2025年2月27日 星期四

《看我今天怎麼說》- 表達自由的真諦


《看我今天怎麼說》- 戲名改得好,說的就是用眼看的「對話」。


首先我欣賞故事的切入點。就我個人而言,聽障人士(聾人)原本就是一整個群體,但這個故事帶出的是聽障人士間對「融入社會」的不同看法。葉子信(游學修飾)是一個以聾人為榮,以手語為母語的青年(所以WhatsApp發訊的時候,「承諾」打錯了「成諾」,也許是編劇要表達出子信不能用語音輸入又讀書不成的背景)。方素恩(鍾雪瑩飾)是一個自小用人工耳蝸,不懂用手語以力求融入社會的人。吳昊倫Alan (吳祉昊飾)則是植入了人工耳蝸,但又不忘與子信用手語約定的「中間派」。在這個不同理念交錯下的劇情,不但令故事更有追看性,也令觀眾更容易明白聽障人士的感受。


一開首老師訓話子信與Alan 的一段,用一個十分清晰的手法發出了故事的背景 - 聽力正常的社會大眾嘗試為聽障人士型造出一個「成為不需用手語也能表達的正常人」的期望。而素恩也是在社會(包括其母親)這樣的預期下以「近似正常」的姿態下成長,她亦取得了學業上的成功。


個人感受最深刻的一幕,是素恩在大公司工作的那一段。原本我以為編者想借這段描述聽障人士那種受人歧視孤立的慘況。但故事中她的上司Gordon, Margaret 以及Katherine,無論是任何級別的人對她也是格外開恩,謙恭有禮,表達了一種大眾對聽障人士那種「硬要達成關愛融入的責任但又懼怕觸碰的偽善」。素恩在辦公室的中間位置呆坐,圍繞着他的是密麻麻各有各忙的同事。這個社會滿以為關心或是施捨便是共融,但卻不經意帶給聽障人士帶來的壓迫感,很實在的一幕。







就故事的感情線,三人之間的關係也是表達得含蓄。原本素恩由與Alan是由相聚、發展到手拖手的程度,再到Alan懷疑了素恩愛上了子信的離合。個人覺得導演想帶出的重點不是素恩感情上的選擇,更是聾人在溝通方式上 - 人工耳蝸融入社會與手話表達真的自己兩者之間的選擇。





- 《看我今天怎麼說》 - 表達自由的真諦 - 觀後感 - 完 - 95分

如果覺得看我的網誌有一些意思,請輕輕點擊網誌上的Google AdSense廣告以示支持。這些廣告帶來的收入是少得很可憐(按一下似乎沒有一毛錢),但對我來說這是一個很大的支持與肯定,讓我在這個文字已不太流行的世代下繼續這份堅持。謝謝各位!

罪與罰 Crime and Punishment 杜斯妥也夫斯著 - 以思想為戰場的故事



這本書 - 異常的厚度(621頁)與只得三個大字的封面好像形成了一個「抗衡」— 一種吸引眼球的「抗衡」。出於對文學那份高攀不起的好奇,我跑到圖書館借了這本被認為是「世界文學的最高成就之一」的小說回家。

共621頁 - 篇幅比「傲慢與偏見」多一倍。

罪與罰 Crime and Punishment 杜斯妥也夫斯著 (遠足文化事業股份有限公司)






額外困難二就是那冗長而又多變的俄國人名稱。主角名叫羅季昂. 羅曼內奇. 拉斯克爾尼科夫(14個字),書中最常用的名字是拉斯克爾尼科夫,但有時在對話間又會用上了羅季昂。當書中十多個主要角色也是以這樣冗長而有變化的名字敘事的時候。俄國人的名字不是「夫」、便是「奇」作結、女角有幾位即使沒親戚關係的都是叫「諾夫娜」,再加上不同的翻譯版本…..讀者讀起來的時候,也許跟主角的思緒一樣會變得精神錯亂。






作者對索尼婭的母親 - 卡捷琳娜的描寫令我很深刻,書中形容她是一個愛和平的人。但文章不乏對她時而瘋癲、時而罵人、時而自卑、時而看不起人的舉動。是精神分裂形成的個性?還是個性形成的精神分裂?令人深思。












作者筆下的彼得堡,貧窮得可憐、醉酒得荒誕、高傲得冷漠。這個毫無出路的環境是令人灰心的。不過作者也藉著主角好友拉祖米欣那份對朋友的熱情;索尼拉斯克爾尼科夫那份無條件的愛;主角妹妹杜尼雅那份正義與勇敢,令故事多了點溫暖及出路,為最後令那個happy ending加強了說服力。主角在書的尾段說話中向別人承認了自己殺了的事實,但對自己是否定義為犯罪的看法上其實仍有點保留,這也許是作者要給讀者們思考的一些空間吧。


《罪與罰》杜斯妥也夫斯著  - 閱後感 - 完 -

如果覺得看我的網誌有一些意思,請輕輕點擊網誌上的Google AdSense廣告以示支持。這些廣告帶來的收入是少得很可憐(按一下似乎沒有一毛錢),但對我來說這是一個很大的支持與肯定,讓我在這個文字已不太流行的世代下繼續這份堅持。謝謝各位!






罪與罰》 Crime and Punishment 杜斯妥也夫斯著 - 以思想為戰場的故事

《呼蘭河傳》 蕭紅著 - 寫的是河也是人

《挪威的森林》村上春樹著 - 生死間的三角關係

*《傲慢與偏見》 珍.奧斯汀著 - 人性的兩大弱點(漂出)

《銀河鐵道之夜》 宮澤賢治著 - 談生死的童話故事(保留)

《魯迅散文選》 - 魯迅 著 (楊澤編)- 走進當代文人的世界 (保留)

*《圍城》錢鍾書著 - 沒有蕩氣迴腸、卻語重深長的愛情故事 (保留)





九龍城寨三面睇 - (九龍城寨小說 / 漫畫 / 電影 《九龍城寨 - 圍城》 觀後感)(網上書)

2025年2月25日 星期二

Bangkok Trip 23/24 (5) - Palace on the River (Iconsiam)


It is a fantastic experience to wake up without alarm and not need to rush for breakfast. Sometimes a good travel experience is to go without an itinerary.

The air-conditioned shopping mall is a good choice in extremely hot Bangkok. But my experience from ten years ago told me that shopping malls in Bangkok have no highlights beside buying Wacoal. Therefore,  I don’t have high expectations for ICONSIAM, which was only opened in 2018 and is known as the most attractive floating market.

From Asok to ICONSIAM, the route recommended by Google Map is going by land and requires a transfer. In my opinion, the most convenient option is to go by following route:

- Go from Asok to Siam by BTS, transfer to the dark green line, get off at Saphan Taksin Station, exit and walk to Sathorn Pier. Then take the ICONSIAM shuttle boat. It won’t take much more time, but the itinerary is easy and special.

The difference between BTS and MRT. ASOK is BTS station, and tickets are in cards. Sukhumvit is MRT station, and tickets are black plastic coins. 

After exiting Saphan Taksin Station, walk straight for 1-2 minutes and you will arrive at Sathorn Pier. From this pier, you can take a boat to many popular attractions such as the Grand Palace, Temple Arun, and Asiatique. 
It is quite simple by showing the staff where you want to go and then buy the right ticket. There are several boat service providers in the same pier.
Among them, tourist boats are the most expensive. Youtubers often recommend taking boat in orange , which is cheaper and coer most popular attractions.
There is a dedicated line to Iconsiam, the charge is $10 baht per person.

The signal of Iconsiam can be seem easily.

Let's go!

Not many passengers during weekday noon time.

Asiatique is over there, but it is not the spot we visited in this 2023 tour. (But we have finally visited during 2024)

The boat ride takes about fifteen minutes.

The experience of landing and then entering the mall is very interesting

Do shopping malls float on water? Will there be a canal running through the mall? ICONSIAM, which uses the "floating market" as its selling point, made me a little bit fanciful. However, I felt a bit disappointed when I arrived. The "water" area in the mall is smaller than the canal at the Venetian Macau. Actually it is just a water pool.

Real scene of floating market

Actually it is an indoor mall. However, Iconsiam is worth for visit.

There is a food street on the ground floor, and its scale is unprecedented. The food prices are similar to those at night markets.

The food and beverage sold in market are juicy and yummy.

Very good facilities and an impressive toilet. If you are worried about the cleanliness of the toilets in night market, try this! 

The photo was taken from the second floor and it is just part of this,

In addition, the layout of the ICONSIAM shopping mall is also very large-scale. The height of the ground floor of the first floor is equivalent to the third or fourth floors of a general shopping mall. Staying inside also has an outdoor-like view. Coupled with the very high-end decoration, it is no wonder that it is loved by locals and tourists.

This shopping mall surprised me,,,,,,

Finally we spent in Iconsiam for around 5 hours for eating and shopping.

ICONSIAM is not only a shopping mall, but also an attraction definitely worth visiting again and again.

- To be continued - 

Next Chapter - 

Bangkok Trip 23/24 (6) - Another Side of the River - Asiatique The Riverfront

(Writing in Progress)

Bangkok 2023/2024

Bangkok Trip - Previous Articles

Universal Studio Japan (Osaka) 1 - Basic Information and Some Tips for your journey

Universal Studio Japan (Osaka) 2 - Preparation with Kids

Universal Studio Japan (Osaka) Part 6 - Harry Porter and His Magic Wand

Universal Studio Japan (Osaka) Part 7 - Our Forbidden Journey

Universal Studio Japan (Osaka) 8 - Universal Wonderland and Others

2025年2月21日 星期五

Bangkok Trip 23/24 (4) - Eat and Relax (Puponfai Food Delivery / Let's Relax Massage)

Afterward half-day shopping in JJ Market, it was a good idea to experience a Thai body massage to relax the muscles.

On the way back from Kamphaeng Phet to Sukhumvit , Mrs. Mak read the seafood delivery menu on her phone and she was going to prepare a simple but rich seafood feast.

Puponfai -  A seafood delivery company was recommended by many bloggers and friends - Considered the spacious hotel space in Bangkok, the hot weather, occasional heavy rain at night, and our tiredness and laziness, it would be great to arrange rich seafood delivered to the hotel.

You can also place orders online using IG and LINE. She made an appointment with PuponfaI at 3-4pm and it could be picked up at the hotel lobby at 6:30pm. Its price is similar to that of the night market.

My wife love durians in Thailand, but not me.

At 6:30 pm, the hotel receptionist notified us to go to the lobby to pick up the meal order (it was on time!). The delivery staff was wearing a soaked raincoat and holding the intact seafood package in his hand. As a consumer, I put my hands together with a bit of embarrassment and thankfulness.

It’s so rich. Let’s take a look at each one by one
Extra large shrimp...the key item which is not necessarily available every day. Tt's fresh and the shrimmeat is chewy.
Crab...creamy. But I don’t like eating things that I have to shell myself.
Mantis shrimp... tastes good but a little dry. But I like to eat things that I don’t have to shell myself, so it’s OK)

Below were other foods in the meal.

Let's start

After a rich meal, we went to Let's Relax for Thai Massage.
Above is the photo from Let's Relax official website

Let Relax is famous brand of Thai Massage in Thailand. Many of its branches are conveniently located. The 6/F of the Grande Centra Hotel where we stayed has a branch of Let's Relax that is connected to Terminal 21. The Terminal 21 store is always full due to its convenient location. Therefore, I pre-booked the 210-minute Heavenly Relax with Hot Compress for two people before we went to Bangkok. A three-hour massage for two people only costs HK$700, which is only about one-third of the price in Hong Kong. It is a great experience.

The environment of massage place is simple but comfortable. 
Reasonably Price for a shop located in shopping mall.

I have no plenty much idea to comment the skill of the massage therapists. But I really liked the feeling of the hot ironed vanilla ball rolling on my back, coupled with the stretching of my muscles and bones, Then I completed the first day's itinerary with a relaxed mood.
The first day of the trip ended with delicious mango rice.

- To be continued - 

Next Chapter - 
Bangkok 2023/2024

Bangkok Trip - Previous Articles

Universal Studio Japan (Osaka) 1 - Basic Information and Some Tips for your journey

Universal Studio Japan (Osaka) 2 - Preparation with Kids

Universal Studio Japan (Osaka) Part 6 - Harry Porter and His Magic Wand

Universal Studio Japan (Osaka) Part 7 - Our Forbidden Journey

Universal Studio Japan (Osaka) 8 - Universal Wonderland and Others

2025年2月20日 星期四

Bangkok Trip 23/24 (3) - Unbeatable Shopping Spirit in Chatuchak Market (JJ Market)

We would like to enjoy our leisure time in Bangkok so our itinerary is not rush and tight. Meanwhile, Chatuchak Market (JJ Market) opens only from 9:00-18:00 during Saturdays and Sundays. We arrived in Bangkok on Sunday and this was the only day we can get there.

We arrived at the hotel at about 1 p.m. and set off immediately without having time to open the luggage compartment.
(Picture: There were not many people on that day...the temperature was 32 degrees "only"...not too hot)

It only takes half hour from Sukhumvit to Kamphaeng Phet (MRT Blue). As soon as you exit the station, you will find the clothing zone of the market. It is more convenient than taking the BTS and getting off at Mo Chit as you still need to walk for 5-10 minutes to the market.

In my opinion, the clothes sold near MRT stations are more attractive. Besides, that area are mainly air-condition equipped. On the contrary, the area near Mo Chit station is relatively dark, and most clothing stores sell second-hand goods of poor quality, which is not suitable for us.
(Remember - Don’t think that you have to get off at Chatuchak Park when going to Chatuchak. They are entirely different locations...)

Our friends warned us that the weather in Bangkok is extremely hot, and it is easy to be exhausted after 2 hours shopping. So I was well-prepared, fans, ice towels, and plenty of water, all ready in my backpack.

(Picture: I really like walking around the crisscrossing shops)

When I opened the travel book and looked at the market floorplan, I found that the area of ​​the market seemed smaller than several years before... my plan is to walk along the pink zone.

As a father for 2 kids, I have experience in bringing two toddlers for journey, carrying six milk bottles for each, eight diapers and several packs of wet wipes. 
Therefore, I have developed good endurance and it didn't matter to shop in hot weather for several hours.

Before we go, let’s look back at the experience of first arriving here 12 years ago!
Chatuchak Market 2011

(The article in Chinese only)

When I first visited Chatuchak in 2011, the temperature in the shop passages wsa very high. By this time, the shopping atmosphere was still there, but the passages seem to be neater than before, and many zones are air-conditioned. Therefore, the feeling is much better now and the temperature was not as hot as expected. 

The change is not only environment, but the sizes of the clothes sold. In my memory, many stores used to sell clothes that were only up to L-size in the past. However, the size ranged from XXS to XXXL. 

These changes are very suitable for me when I become fat. L? I dare to buy if there is one "STIKE" on top of L.

I bought two T-shirt with anime character that can’t be found in Hong Kong in this store. They cost around HKD 100 and the quality is good. Unfortunately, there are no children size.

This hot dog - order first and then make. You only pays during pick. I like this arrangement.

Unfortunately, there was uneven road surface. My wife accidentally fell down when she was in a trance. Her ankle immediately swelled up and she got hurt after just 30 minutes of shopping.

"I feel pain..." After sitting and resting for a while, she was able to get up again and continue shopping. She was really tough!!!
My wife got injured when she went to buy coconut smoothie. After sitting down and eat, she was able to endure the pain and continue her itinerary...

"Her morale has overcome her pain," I talked to myself.

For me, I even put the ice towel and fan back into my backpack even if I was sweating. It is more relaxing to has two hands free during shopping.
As a coffee lover, I really like Tik Cafe’s Coconut Expresso... The bitterness of the Expresso does not conflict with the coconut aroma. There were comfortable seats inside Tik Cafe, which I highly recommend. 

In the end, we walked for almost 4 hours and also visited the nearby JJ Plaza before we went back. (JJ Plaza was not attractive so it can be skipped.)

It was 5:30 so we have to go back earlier for other activities.

- To be continued - 

Next Chapter - 

Bangkok 2023/2024

Bangkok Trip - Previous Articles

Universal Studio Japan (Osaka) 1 - Basic Information and Some Tips for your journey

Universal Studio Japan (Osaka) 2 - Preparation with Kids

Universal Studio Japan (Osaka) Part 6 - Harry Porter and His Magic Wand

Universal Studio Japan (Osaka) Part 7 - Our Forbidden Journey

Universal Studio Japan (Osaka) 8 - Universal Wonderland and Others