2024年10月31日 星期四

觀瀾湖無湖之行(二)MH Mall 觀瀾湖新城

在三天的行程中,觀瀾湖新城MH MALL算是一個來來回回飲食消費的重點地方。



比起平日超冷清的紅山、有點冷清的歡樂海岸、靜得像鬼域的創新科、MH MALL 在中午時間也有一定人流,這點算是有點難得。
(人多又嫌迫要排除、人少又嫌靜餐廳食物唔新鮮,平又話老翻貴又話唔抵,有些香港人絕對是難服侍 - 以上純屬主觀意見。)


觀瀾湖區的整體消費指數不低,但商場內無論衣食住行也有一些相對便宜的選擇。既有人均一兩百元的餐廳,亦有4-50元一個lunch set 的連鎖店,所以在這裏悠閑消費的本地人也隨處可見。










運動公社那邊有的卡丁車,風評不錯但個人覺得138大元玩8分鐘太貴,所以沒有參予。商場內這個兒童賽車$58 六個圈,刺激程度當然不能與卡丁車相比,讓兩個小孩滿足下賽車體驗就好了。


賽車沒份兒也不要緊,大朋友在MH Mall其實也不愁寂寞。

MH MALL 亦有戲院、按摩店(太太試過還覺得很好),不怕太消費的話其實要找娛樂絕不困難。
入夜的MH MALL,太太去了按摩,小孩要喝茶飲,我也來一杯AMERICANO。

商場對面便是Hard Rock 
MH MALL 背後的是手藝工場,同學家長告訴我大約百來元製作一件作品,不過我家小孩興趣不太。(對親子功課一向有點恐懼的我更不用說。)

從酒店房間看出去可以看到整個MH Mall 一、二期的全貌。還可以看到商場頂樓的「天空之景」。不過「天空之景」要由地下乘天梯上去,不太順道的情況下一於「遠眺當去左」。



觀瀾湖無湖之行 - 待續


(一)觀瀾湖硬石酒店 Shenzhen HARD ROCK 


(四)卡魯冰雪世界及觀瀾湖生態運動公社 (寫作中)

(五)反彈蹦床公園 (寫作中)

以下其他北上遊樂分享(包括PARTY DAY、朗玩、HOP-DX、笋崗文具批發中心、舟市水產、橫琴宇宙飛船、紅山等等)︰

2024 悠閒紅山半天遊(上)- 紅山6979商場 / 藏老十酒 / 俄貨集市


2024 悠閒紅山半天遊(下)- 江南足紀.影院足道 / 朱光玉火鍋

2024 與小孩們走進華強北


2024 沐SPA悠享足道之行(上)- 領展虎灸烤肉/卓悅The Rolling瑞士卷

2024 沐SPA悠享足道之行(下)- 沐SPA悠享足道 / 79號漁船海鮮

2024 海岸淺遊(一)一 熱而不鬧的歡樂海岸(鮮潭蒸氣石頭魚)


2024 海岸淺遊(二)一 爸爸的極限挑戰.探洞工場


2024 海岸淺遊(三)一 另一個海岸


2024 Party Day 萬達廣場(一)交通/收費


2024 Party Day 萬達廣場(二)PARTY DAY重點項目介紹https://patrickmakblog.blogspot.com/2024/05/party-day_22.html

2024 Party Day 萬達廣場(三)Party以外的萬達廣場

2024 母親節北上2024 (今日酉禾/佳寧娜廣場)http://patrickmakblog.blogspot.com/2024/05/2024_13.html?m=0

2024 北上快閃之旅 (光華廣場舟市水產自助餐 / 東門 / 福田山娒)


2024 會展中心(皇庭廣場 / 卓越中心 / 領展中心城 / 高鐵)


2024 笋崗文具批發中心 + 笋崗萬象食家


2023 壹方天地 + 朗玩


2023 寶安前海HOP天地 - 「室內潮玩街區HOP-DX 」(4個室內遊樂場體驗比較)


2023 創新坊 + 珠海凱悅酒店 + 橫琴宇宙飛船


2023 向珠海創新方向出發(四) 一探險快樂(創新坊國家地理探險家中心)


2016 嘉輝會滿屋世界主題酒店


2015 橫琴海洋王國


2024年10月30日 星期三

Hotel in Ikebukuro (Hotel Hisoca Ikebukuro)

Many travelers may have a question - which area is better to stay when traveling to Tokyo?

I have travelled to Tokyo several times. Shinjuku was the area that I stayed before. Meanwhile, I will say it is good enough to stay in hotels along JR Yamanote Line because there are many sightseeing along this line. In other word, Shinjuku, Ueno, Shibuya or even, Kanda.....

For my last trip in Tokyo - I stayed in the hotel nearby station Ikebukuro. It was a very good experience. and the hotel is highly recommended.

"I wonder if I can stay here for 2 more days!"

My daughter was reluctant to check out from Hotel Hisoca. 

HOTEL HISOCA is indeed a hotel that is comfortable and convenient. In this article, I would also like to share my experience of staying here for 5 days.

Ikebukuro is a large station, nearby the eastern gate of this station, there are a lot of shopping and entertainment centers. 

From Hisoca Ikebukuro to Harry Potter - 25 min
to Disneyland - 65 min
to Shinjuku - 22 min
to Narita Airport - around 80 min

Hotel Hisoca is located at the southwest station entrance, where is a relatively quiet area.

Therefore, you can enjoy the transportation advantage as it is 3 minutes walk from hotel to station, but you can also have a good shopping and travel experience within the same area.

It is opposite to the Metropolitan Shopping Mall. The hotel is not very eye-catching. It took me a while to find it when I first came here.

The station exit suggested by google map is "Metropolitan direction" 

(I don't think it is a good guideline as it was the first time I came to this station and this hotel. how can I know where is METROPOLITIAN Gate?)

Finally I found the hotel was nearby "Southwest Exit".

Hotel Lobby

The hotel's service counter is not operate for 24 hours, but there is a self-service check-in machine in the lobby.
There are no amenities preserved in the hotel room. Instead, you have to take them at the cabinet in the hotel lobby according to your needs.

For seven floors, 2F is lounge and rooms on other floors. There is no swimming pool or gym room, but it is also good to go for a morning jog near the residences in the western Ikebukuro.

This is a room for 4 persons with plenty of space for a family of four. The space is enough for 4 adults but there is a disadvantage - no windows.

Below is the video of room walkthrough:

There are USBs and multi charging cable at the bedside, which can meet different kinds of mobile phones.

There is a sofa enough for four people and a small dining table.
Smart TV - My son loved this as he could watch youtube.
The facilities in room are very good.
Another highlight in Hisoca is its restroom.

Bathtub with the function of jacuzzi, next to this is a separate steam room. This was the first time I saw in downtown hotel.

The bathtub that we can mostly find in resort hotel.
This room will become a sauna room full of stream once I turned on the sauna function. 

The video of bathroom:

2F Lounge - coffee and drinks provided
The boardgame in lounge room can be brought to room for entrainment.
I have been very comfortable here for these five days. If I want to say the bad things about this hotel, there are probably two points: one is that there is no fitness room, and another is that all the windows cannot be opened, that's all.

- The End of hotel experience sharing - 

If you find it interesting to read my blog, please click on the Google AdSense ads on the blog to show your support. The income from these advertisements is very pitiful, but for me this is a great support and recognition, allowing me to continue to persevere in this era when writing are no longer popular. Thank you!

Below are my other sharing about USJ, Disneysea, Tokyo and Bangkok:

Bangkok 2023/2024

Bangkok Trip - Previous Articles

Below are other sharing about My Previous trips in Japan, including Disney Sea Tokyo, The Making of Harry Potter and USJ Osaka:

Tokyo 2024 

Tokyo 2024 - 7 days itinerary (Family of 4 - Attractions and Shopping Experience)

Disney Sea Tokyo 1 - Basic Information and Tips for your journey

Disney Sea Tokyo 2 - Busy First Half with Mobile Phone (Tower of Terror / Journey to the Center of the Earth / Rapunzel's Lantern Festival)

Dinery Sea Tokyo 3 - Busy Second Half Having fun (Peter Pan / Toy Story Mania)

The Making of Harry Potter (Tokyo)

Hotel in Ikebukuro (Hotel Hisoca Ikebukuro)

- End -